Carpal tunnel syndrome, a type of repetitive motion injury, can have a significant impact on your ability to work and on your daily life, requiring the use of anti-inflammatory medicine, wrist splints, or corticosteroid injections. Often, if the symptoms progress, it requires surgery. Also, repetitive motion injuries can develop slowly and may not show up on the first set of diagnostic studies, such as an EMG or Nerve Conduction Study. However, some doctors don’t believe carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by repetitive work, and there are other factors that can attribute to it.  An experienced work comp attorney will be able to determine how to best pursue your carpal tunnel claim.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can develop when workers:

  • perform the same movements repeatedly
  • are exposed to vibration in their hands
  • work in awkward or fixed postures

The symptoms of Carpal tunnel injuries include:

  • Tingling or “pins and needles” in the hands and fingers
  • Numbness or burning in the hands, or even forearms or elbows
  • Difficulty in grasping objects
  • Loss of feeling, which could be permanent

When to contact an attorney:

  • An employer or their work comp insurer denies that it’s from your job
  • You have been refused medical treatment or nerve tests
  • The doctor chosen by the employer or insurance company says that he/she doesn’t think the carpal tunnel is caused by repetitive work
  • Compensation was promised but has not materialized
  • An employer or insurance company has requested a recorded statement

The law says you cannot be fired for filing a carpal tunnel claim. It’s common for workers to be afraid to file a worker’s compensation claim because of the fear of being fired, but then they wait too long to talk to an attorney about their rights.

Since Carpal Tunnel Syndrome usually does not occur as the result of a single obvious accident or injury, it can be difficult to prove. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney is usually required to show the syndrome is work-related, that medical treatment is appropriate and necessary, and to obtain the proper compensation from the work comp insurance company.

The Hines & Wilson Law Firm has more than 50 years of experience with workers’ compensation claims. We will use our experience and knowledge to get you the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been injured at work or think you have carpal tunnel syndrome, call us at (573) 443-4500, our toll-free number (877) 473-4500, or email for a free and confidential consultation about your claim.  If you wait too long, you may lose your right to compensation.