Being too busy and stressed out is one of the most common reasons people don’t file a claim. That’s where we come in!

Personal injury cases can because a lot of unnecessary stress and worry, and can be time-consuming. From the time of your injury to the end of your case, it can span anywhere from months to years depending on many factors (the severity of your injury, the length of your medical treatment, insurance companies, and other circumstances). The first thing you should do in any personal injury is to seek medical treatment and be sure there is documentation of your injury. From there, if you have a personal injury claim, you should call an attorney for help.

Many people put off calling an attorney, though. One of the most common mistakes people make in pursuing their injury claim is that they put things off because they don’t want to deal with the added stress, and they don’t have time. If this is your reasoning, let us walk you through what filing with our law firm would look like.

When you call a personal injury attorney to handle your case, you’re actually taking a load off your own shoulders in terms of time and work. We work with the medical providers to obtain certified copies of all of your medical records and bills, and deal with the insurance companies and insurance adjusters on your personal injury claim so you don’t have to. We also have decades of experience and knowledge to help your case run smoothly and calmly. We know how to work with insurance companies, insurance adjusters, and of course, YOU.

It’s impossible to gauge how time-consuming your case will be until you consult with a lawyer. With a free phone consultation with us, or a Zoom conference, we can discuss all the factors together and determine the strategy that works best for you. And we don’t charge any fees until we win.

We know that people are busier and more stressed than ever this year. Although the pandemic started out with a lengthy quarantine, there are so many new adjustments people are getting used to—working from home, schooling from home—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Parents are busy with kids, college students are busy with their workload—we understand that time is valuable and we don’t have much of it to ourselves. Dealing with insurance companies can be stressful. That’s why having a good attorney is so important; let us handle the hard stuff.


The Hines & Wilson Law Firm has more than 50 years of experience with personal injury claims and is located in Columbia, Missouri. We will use our experience and knowledge to get you the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been injured at work, call us at (573) 443-4500, our toll-free number (877) 473-4500, or email for a free and confidential consultation about your claim.  If you wait too long, you may lose your right to compensation.