It’s finally summertime, and you know what that means – tons of road construction and summer traffic. Being stuck in a traffic jam because of road construction is inconvenient – but it’s nothing compared to the personal injuries that road construction workers face on the job. According to the CDC, over 2,000 workers lost their lives at road construction sites from 2003-2020. That’s an average of 123 fatalities per year.

What is causing so many deaths and personal injuries to construction workers on the road? The answer is in the statistics. From 2011 to 2020, 63% of the transportation events at road construction sites (or work zones), involved a worker being struck by a vehicle, according to the CDC. In fact, the National Safety Council states that in 2022 alone there were 891fatalities and 37,701 personal injuries in work zones.

Drivers can help reduce these tragic statistics by practicing safe driving in work zones. When driving through work zones, remember to…

  • Reduce your speed.
  • Give construction workers, vehicles, and equipment as much space as possible when passing.
  • If there is a flagger present, drive and stop as directed.
  • If there is an open lane, safely move into it.
  • Maintain a safe following distance between yourself and other vehicles.
  • Refrain from engaging in acts of road rage such as beeping, shouting, or tailgating.
  • Use your blinker appropriately.

Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

If you’ve been hit by a vehicle in a work zone while on the job, it is crucial that you contact a workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible. Personal injuries in the construction field are serious and can often have lasting effects after recovery. You deserve to be compensated for your resulting medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. How can a workers’ compensation lawyer help you get the compensation you deserve for your personal injuries?

  • Your attorney will go over your claim with you to strengthen it and prevent any self-sabotage.
  • A workers’ compensation lawyer knows all of the ins and outs of legal paperwork, and will ensure that the appropriate documents are filled out and submitted on time.
  • Your attorney will gather evidence such as medical records, police reports, receipts, and more to prove your claim.
  • Personal injuries are expensive between medical costs, lost hours at work, and other possible future impacts. A personal injury lawyer can calculate the value of your personal injury to ensure you get the compensation you need.
  • Your workers’ compensation attorney will negotiate on your behalf for a fair settlement or, if necessary, file a lawsuit.

Remember, if you’ve been injured at work, report the workplace accident to your supervisor and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Waiting too long to get treatment for your personal injuries can hurt your workers’ compensation claim. Your employer may claim that the injury “couldn’t have been that bad” if you didn’t see a doctor.

Contradictory to what you may have heard, workers’ compensation lawyers aren’t expensive. They charge a nominal percentage of the settlement you win from your case. That means if you don’t get paid, neither does your lawyer. If you’ve suffered a workplace injury, contact The Hines & Wilson Law Firm as soon as possible to schedule your no-cost initial consultation for free legal advice from an experienced Columbia attorney near you.