Long hours can lead to exhaustion and exertion. Worker burnout is a very real thing—but does it qualify for workers’ compensation?


Employee burnout is a relatively new term in today’s society used to express being overworked in the workplace. Long hours, grueling work, and hostile work environments can easily build up and lead to employees feeling fatigued, stressed, and exhausted. With more and more workers feeling this “burnout”, many wonder if being overworked counts as a work-related issue eligible for workers’ compensation?

The jury is still out on the answer to that. Some say yes, others say it’s too difficult to prove. Recent surveys show that over 70% of respondents felt burnout in their current job.  However, although fatigue, worry, exhaustion, and exertion can be caused by work, in Missouri it would be hard to prove a “purely mental stress” disability claim as a workers’ compensation claim.

But, there’s more than fatigue to employee burnout. Being overworked can lead to physical injury. Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is common in employees and it’s a result of long hours doing monotonous work. Carpal tunnel is a great example of an RSI. There are also more extreme injuries than can occur as a result of an employee feeling fatigued and exhausted due to being overworked.

Many people are getting injured due to being overworked, and workers’ compensation covers injuries due to overwork and repetitive motion and overuse injuries.

Aside from being overworked and overexerted in the work environment, many injuries have a psychological component as well as the physical injury. Psychological claims may be covered by workers’ compensation, particularly mental health issues like PTSD or anxiety when related to the workplace or as part of a work injury. These claims can be harder to prove, however, given that they are less objective than physical injuries. Mental health is important, though, and these injuries are just as real and impact daily lives just as much.

Though many more people are working from home, most still don’t have that option. Essential workers now, more than ever, may be facing mental duress, physical exertion, and a general sense of being overworked. Employee burnout is a very real issue and being overworked is a threat to your mental and physical well-being.

No matter whether your injury is purely physical or also has a mental component, you may have a claim for workers’ compensation due to being overworked in the workplace. Call us today for a free consultation.

The Hines & Wilson Law Firm has more than 50 years of experience with workers’ compensation claims and is located in Columbia, Missouri. We will use our experience and knowledge to get you the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been injured at work or think you have carpal tunnel syndrome, call us at (573) 443-4500, our toll-free number (877) 473-4500, or email info@hineswilsonlaw.com for a free and confidential consultation about your claim.  If you wait too long, you may lose your right to compensation.