There are benefits to filing your workers’ comp claim sooner rather than later.

It’s important that you file your workers’ comp claim as soon as possible. It’s human nature to procrastinate and to drag our feet on certain things but filing late can affect your claim. Firstly, you need to be timely with everything that is related to your workers’ comp claim. Under current Missouri workers comp laws, claims are only applicable when there is a 30-day written notice of the injury. Claims can be dismissed if you do not have written and documented proof of the injury within the 30 days it occurred.

Additionally, the faster you file your claim, the faster you will be notified if your claim is approved or denied. Either way, time is of the essence. If your claim is approved, this means you will receive benefits faster. If your claim is denied, this gives you more time to find a legal representative to appeal the decision. Additionally, if you wait a long time to file your workers’ comp claim, you may appear suspicious to your employer or the insurer. Filing your claim as soon as possible works in your favor.

Regarding current events, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the courts of Missouri being closed and many cases being put on hold. Now, Missouri courts of varying degree are beginning to re-open during the Phase One plan as set out by the Missouri state government. However, this does not ensure your claim will be moved along swiftly. These courts have a backlog of other cases and/or claims to review. Additionally, courts maintain the right to close and revert back to Plan Zero if the outbreak worsens. These are all factors that can impact and delay your claim or case.

While you should always handle your workers’ comp claim with care and timeliness, the current events of the COVID-19 pandemic have made it essential to file your claim in a timely manner. COVID-19 changed the way courts are operating and it is important you work quickly to make sure your claim is handled and you get the compensation you deserve as soon as possible.

The Hines & Wilson Law Firm has more than 50 years of experience with workers’ compensation claims and is located in Columbia, Missouri. We will use our experience and knowledge to get you the compensation you deserve. Call us at (573) 443-4500, our toll-free number (877) 473-4500, or email for a free and confidential consultation about your claim.  If you wait too long, you may lose your right to compensation.